The Disease Without a Cure

  My 82 year old grandma Alejandra has Alzheimer's. She is very short with grey hair and only wears dresses. Alzheimer's is a disease that has not found a cure, it consists of memory loss and is most common in ages 60 and above. She was diagnosed about 7 years ago and has gotten worse over time. I was 7 when she developed the disease and have no memory of how she was like before Alzheimer's came into her life. My family and I constantly remind her of our names, where we live, her age, birthday and lots more. The one thing she hasn't forgotten is how to pray, she prays every morning when she wakes up and at night before going to bed, she actually taught me how to pray.

I consider my grandma very special and I enjoy her company. Alzheimer's consists of extra care, matuarity, and lots of patience. I'll have to say I can provide all 3 things for her. In fact I spend most of my time with her than anyone else in my family. A typical day looks like this, in the morning when I wake up I cover her up with my blanket if she's cold and get ready for school coming back I greet her and while I serve myself food I give her some as well. Then depending on her mood rather she's happy, mad, sad or lost I do a certain routine for each emotion. I keep her accupied throughout the day and ware her out so that at night she easily falls asleep. There's moments when I can tend to lose my temper because it is a difficult to take care of someone else other then yourself, but I am capable of controlling my emotions. I love her very much and I'll take part in her life as much as I can even if she has a Disease Without a Cure.


  1. Great story. Similar to what happened to my grandfather when I was 12. He had throats cancer and I felt sad because I would often see him in his room crying. He had fight cancer. Doctors said that his cancer was gone which made us become closer as a family.

  2. This story/emotion is so heartfelt. I feel like I know her and know your family. Thank you for sharing so much. :)


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